The Sixth Form day runs from 8 am until 5:50 pm and is split into two distinct parts: academic lessons from 8:20 am until 3 pm, followed by activities, enrichment, and prep (homework) from 3 pm until 5:50 pm.
The aim of Rugby School Thailand Sixth Form is not just to get our students into the best universities in the world, but for them to excel once they are there. The Sixth Form curriculum is consequently broad and designed to encourage independence of thought and leadership. We focus on producing rounded individuals with a range of interests and the ability to learn for themselves. We want our students to lead fulfilled and happy lives.
There are many different components to our Sixth Form experience, and these are brought together by tutors, who provide two mentoring sessions each week. One section focuses solely on academic issues, the other on service and softer skill development.
Rugby school in Thailand: Sixth form open evening