Relief as Birmingham patient diagnosed with cancer after wait

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Relief as Birmingham patient diagnosed with cancer

after wait

A disease tolerant from slotxo Birmingham who confronted deferrals to finding and treatment

due to coronavirus pressures is presently being treated in London.

Chris Durcan had been hanging tight since March for an arrangement after an output uncovered

an injury on his prostate.

His case was featured as GPs dreaded patients associated with having malignant growth were

not being alluded to medical clinics as endeavors focussed on coronavirus.

Yet, a specialist stepped in to help and Mr Durcan is expected medical procedure later.

The 61-year-old, who has a family ancestry of prostate malignant growth, had a MRI check

in March which uncovered a two-centimeter injury on his prostate.

He was then told it would be four months before he would be reached by Birmingham's

Queen Elizabeth Hospital which he dreaded would be past the point of no return for him.

In any case, in the wake of hearing his story, a detached emergency clinic expert proposed

that because of his family ancestry his GP ought to allude him to a quick reaction facility at

the Royal Marsden Hospital in London.

He has since gotten affirmation his sore was malignancy and is expected to experience medical

procedure at the Royal Marsden Hospital.



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